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Our Story

My name is Pim Smit, founder of Shype, my journey in the fashion world began in 2020, driven by a deep passion for fashion. I started by selling exclusive sneakers, initially through word-of-mouth. This informal approach quickly evolved into successful sales through social media in 2021. This success eventually led to the launch of a website where I sold sneakers under the name Shype.

Over the course of three years, I built a loyal and engaged community under our name. Despite this success, I decided to take a different direction in 2023. My heart was more invested in clothing, and although I had released clothing in 2020 and 2021, the quality did not meet my high standards and ambitions.

In 2023, I took a bold step: I stopped selling sneakers, sold my entire inventory, and invested all my savings into my new dream: a high quality clothing brand under the same name that started this journey. This decision was a significant gamble and a substantial investment of time and money, but I was determined to make my vision a reality.

Now we have already released more than three collections and are currently developing our next one. My goal is to bring people together through a shared passion for music, fashion, and culture.

Thank you for being part of the Shype community. Your support and enthusiasm are what make this journey possible.

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